CHUVADI" is a captivating documentary that sheds light on the rich cultural heritage of Chavittunadakam, a popular art form of Kerala, India. The documentary explores the lives of people living in two distinct lands, united by their passion for Chavittunadakam.
Through the lens of this art form, the documentary delves into the history and evolution of Chavittunadakam, and showcases the mesmerizing performances of the artists who bring this art form to life. With in-depth interviews of the artists, the documentary explores the creative process behind Chavittunadakam and the dedication required to master this art form.
Overall, "CHUVADI" is a must-watch for anyone interested in the arts and culture of Kerala. It offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of Chavittunadakam, and the passionate artists who keep this art form alive.
Direction: Jofin & Theressa Cinematographer: Athul Screenplay: Blessey & Asif Editing: Arjun & Alex Stills: Mahima & Jomin
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